Mayan Culture

They Mayan culture is undeniably known for their love of art. It can be seen through their sculptures especially on their altars and one can even see the Mayan culture in each of the bodies of the Mayan themselves through tattoos.  The fact of the matter is Mayan-inspired tattoos are now very popular in the modern world.

Little was known about the Mayan culture and the whole Mayan civilization in general since they have seemingly disappeared without a trace and only the remains of their civilization can be seen by tourists from all over the world.  In general, the Mayan civilization and culture were among the originals of the New World and  has spanned for more than 3,000 years.  Their original home turf was the Yucatan Peninsula on the eastern part of the Mesoamerica.  Based on the findings of archaeologists and anthropologists, the Mayan civilization was densely populated and one can even compare the Mayan civilization to that of New York City or London today in terms of population.  (more…)

Mayan Artwork

The Mayan artwork is very distinctive when it comes to style and the medium they were using during the time their civilization were in power.  It was during the later Pre-classic period, which is 500 B.C. to 200 A.D., that these art works of the Mayas have started to take shape as it evolve. However, Mayan art work later bloomed into something that can be considered as epic during the seven centuries of the Classic period which was from 200 to 900 A.D.  Unfortunately, with the discovery of this ancient New World, most of the art work of the Mayans such as their paintings, sculpture and wood carvings were destroyed by the Spaniards because they were considered as items of idolatry.  However, a few Mayan art works have survived the “art work holocaust” and even survived the test of time paving the way for the interest of our modern civilization for the ancient Mayan artworks.  (more…)