by Linda McManus | Jul 9, 2023 | Mayan Superstition and beliefs
For the ancient Maya, the world was brimming with spirits, omens, and powerful forces interwoven with daily life. While many aspects of their civilization have changed, echoes of traditional beliefs and superstitions still linger. These superstitions provide a fascinating window into Mayan cosmology and their deep connection to the natural world.
Read more: Mayan Superstitions: Echoes of Ancient Beliefs in the Modern World
Superstitions of the Home and Hearth
- Hanging a Horseshoe for Luck: Reversing the horseshoe’s traditional ‘U’ shape is believed to prevent good fortune from draining away. This superstition might reflect a blend of Mayan and Spanish traditions after colonization.
- Don’t Sweep at Night: It’s thought that sweeping after dark will brush away good luck or financial blessings. This belief likely centers on practicality – in the low light of the past, you might accidentally sweep out something valuable!
- The Power of the Cross: Crosses placed above doorways are believed to ward off evil spirits. The cross symbol likely found new meaning after the introduction of Christianity, blending with existing Mayan concepts of sacred powers.
Nature’s Warnings and Omens
- Beware the Black Bird: Seeing a black bird flying into your house is considered a harbinger of misfortune or even death. Black birds often had associations with the underworld in Mayan tradition.
- Whistling Attracts Snakes: Whistling at night, especially in wilderness areas, is believed to beckon snakes. Snakes held complex symbolism for the Maya, sometimes representing danger, but also power and transformation.
- Owl Calls and Misfortune: Just like many cultures, the Maya associate hearing an owl’s call with an impending death. This likely stems from the owl’s association with the night and its status as a stealthy predator.
Health, Healing, and the Body
- Beware a Pregnant Woman’s Gaze: It’s believed a pregnant woman’s gaze can “sour” crops or leave a child with the “evil eye.” This might relate to concerns about vulnerability during pregnancy and the potential dangers of envy.
- Hang Garlic for Protection: Hanging garlic in the home wards off sickness and deflects negative energies. This tradition, common in many cultures, might relate to garlic’s strong odor being perceived as a repellent.
- Sleeping with Scissors Under the Pillow: This practice is believed to prevent nightmares. The sharp object might be seen as symbolically cutting through negative dreams and anxieties.
These are but a few examples of the rich tapestry of Mayan superstitions. While some have faded into obscurity, others persist in adapted forms within modern Mayan communities. They offer us a window into the profound worldview of the Maya, where the natural and supernatural realms were inextricably linked.
by Linda McManus | Feb 17, 2014 | Mayan Superstition and beliefs
Nearly all the monuments of Yucatan bear evidence that the Mayas had a predilection for number seven. Since we find that their artificial mounds were composed of seven superposed platforms; that the city of Uxmal contained seven of these mounds; that the north side of the palace of King Can was adorned with seven turrets; that the entwined serpents, his totem, which adorn the east facade of the west wing of this building, have seven rattles; that the head-dress of kings and queens were adorned with seven blue feathers; in a word, that the number seven prevails in all places and in everything where Maya influence has predominated.
It is a fact, and one that may not be altogether devoid of significance, that this number seven seems to have been the mystic number of many of the nations of antiquity. It has even reached our times as such, being used as symbol by several of the secret societies existing among us. (more…)
by Linda McManus | Feb 15, 2014 | Mayan Artwork, Mayan Superstition and beliefs
Yum Kaax
Figure 6. Yum Kaax
Figure 1. Itzamna – chief deity of the Maya Pantheon
Figure 2. Kukulcan – god with a snake like tongue
by Dian Obligacion | Jan 23, 2014 | Mayan Superstition and beliefs
If we need to be on the progressive side of the fence, we need to look at the past. We could learn
a lot of things from the past. But, the best teacher of all that comes from the past is the demise of a once-great civilization and the Mayan civilization is one of them.
The Mayans were once a great race and we owe a lot of things from them from agriculture to
astronomy, from architecture and even to communications and engineering. We have learned
so much from them. But, the one that we should be attentive to is how they have “killed” themselves?
The Mayans flourished in the past and you can even say that a Mayan city was teeming with people numbering between 2,000 to 3,000 people per square mile. Even in the Mayan rural areas, there could be 200 to 300 people per square mile. Think Los Angeles or even New York. That was how a Mayan city or town would look like. But, all of a sudden, as if a swift wind blew them away, everything became silent. The Mayans were gone. What happened?
Just like us, the Mayans were also growing in number and they needed much space to occupy everyone. Yes, they did live harmoniously with the environment. They always pray to their “gods” for bountiful harvests and they respect all kinds of life here on Earth. But, when the call for progress was unavoidable, they resorted to things like deforestation. Not only they needed more space for their ever-growing population but they also needed progress. They were building temples as fast as anyone can imagine back in those days. To build a temple, they needed lime plaster from limestone that must be burned. To burn limestone, they needed wood. So, off to the forests they went and cut as many trees as they can. They need to cut down like 20 trees just to make 1 square meter of lime plaster. They have a lot of “gods”. So, they needed a lot of temples.
More temples mean more lime plaster which means more limestone to burn which means more trees to cut down. Before they know it, drought came upon them and a lot of them died of starvation. Since they don’t have a lot of vegetation and animals that they hunt also ran away to look for “greener pastures”, they also left their settlement.
That is how the Mayans “killed” themselves. We owe a lot from them and we can learn from their mistakes. If we don’t do anything to correct ourselves, 200,00 years from now, a new race will be digging up a place that was once called New York and find some artifacts like an iPad or a vehicle and would be studying a lot of things about “New Yorkers”, that is, if there is anything left including subway train fossils.
by Dian Obligacion | Jan 13, 2014 | Mayan Superstition and beliefs
When the year 2012 reared its head almost two years ago, everybody was in awed anticipation. Is the end of the world really at hand? Blame it on the so-called “Doomsday Mayan Prediction”. For sure, everybody still remembers that, right? According to a Mayan calendar, the end of the world will be on December 21, 2012. Now, I won’t have to go into details about how that calendar was discovered, who discovered it, etcetera, etcetera, blah blah blah. No, I won’t do that here. But, there is just one question that lingers on my head and I’m sure it is also lingering on a few individuals here on Earth:
“Was the Mayan prediction a hoax or did someone misinterpreted it?” And this question leads to another one almost relative to the first: “Were the Mayans incorrect with their prediction?”
First of all, since it is already the year 2014, we all already heaved a sigh of relief and safely say that that prediction of the Mayans was entirely a hoax. Many people were duped into it. Some even went too far or overboard by constructing their own bunker and stuffed it with provisions that can last decades for their respective family’s consumption. There were even a lot of different websites all over the internet that are telling a lot about “2012” like the history of that Mayan prediction to different tips on what to do before, during and after the whatever is coming, that is, if they have survived and even went money-crazy by selling survival kits, water tanks, books on how to survive the Armageddon and a lot more.
Millions of dollars were wasted on these things alone. Now, since we have all “survived” the “Armageddon”, what will they do with all of those provisions? Now, ask yourself once again: “Was it a hoax or did somebody just misinterpreted the Mayan doomsday prediction?”
So, if somebody miscalculated or misinterpreted the calendar, then, that means to say that the calendar was actually right to some few points. According to Ann Martin, a doctoral candidate in Cornell University’s department of astronomy, the Mayan calendar was or is cyclical. The long count of that calendar was really meant to end on December 2012 and that means that it is the end of great calendar cycle in Mayan society. If you try to look at it, it’s much like our modern society celebrated the new Millennium, the new beginning for everyone.
So, that explains it, basically. But, don’t think that there will be no end of the world. There will be and it depends on how one will look at it, right? As for the Mayan prediction, let us just say that “it is doing away with the old” and it’s the same as New Year’s Resolution.
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